All Classes

Table of Contents



tmo:AbilityCarrier - AbilityCarrier is an abstract class which circumferences all entities which can ...
tmo:AbilityCarrierInvolvement - The class AbilityCarrier_Involvement ties together an AbilityCarrier with an Abi...
tmo:AbilityCarrierRole - Examples instances of AbilityCarrirRoles are e.g. "requested", "required" and "...
ncal:AccessClassification - Access classification of a calendar component. Introduced to express the set of...
nco:Affiliation - Aggregates three properties defined in RFC2426. Originally all three were attach...
nao:Agent - An agent is the artificial counterpart to nao:Party. It can be a software compon...
pimo:Agent - An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact). The Agent class is ...
tmo:AgentAbilityCarrier -
ncal:Alarm - Provide a grouping of component properties that define an alarm.
ncal:AlarmAction - Action to be performed on alarm. This class has been introduced to express the l...
nfo:Application - An application
nfo:Archive - A compressed file. May contain other files or folder inside.
nfo:ArchiveItem - A file entity inside an archive.
pimo:Association - An association between two or more pimo-things. This is used to model n-ary rela...
tmo:AssociationDependency -
nrl:AsymmetricProperty - A marker class to identify asymmetric properties
tmo:Attachment - By means of attachments, references to other resources can be established. Resou...
ncal:Attachment - An object attached to a calendar entity. This class has been introduced to serve...
nfo:Attachment - A file attached to another data object. Many data formats allow for attachments:...
ncal:AttachmentEncoding - Attachment encoding. This class has been introduced to express the limited vocab...
tmo:AttachmentRole - AttachmentRoles further specify the type of how an attachment relates to a task....
ncal:Attendee - An attendee of an event. This class has been introduced to serve as the range fo...
pimo:Attendee - The role of someone attending a social event.
ncal:AttendeeOrOrganizer - A common superclass for ncal:Attendee and ncal:Organizer.
ncal:AttendeeRole - A role the attendee is going to play during an event. This class has been introd...
nfo:Audio - A file containing audio content
nco:AudioIMAccount (deprecated) - Deprecated in favour of nco:imCapabilityAudio.


nco:BbsNumber - A Bulletin Board System (BBS) phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=bbsl) paramete...
pimo:BlogPost - A blog note. You just want to write something down right now and need a place to...
nfo:Bookmark - A bookmark of a webbrowser. Use nie:title for the name/label, nie:contentCreated...
nfo:BookmarkFolder - A folder with bookmarks of a webbrowser. Use nfo:containsBookmark to relate Book...
pimo:Building - A structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one...
ncal:BydayRulePart - Expresses the compound value of a byday part of a recurrence rule. It stores the...


ncal:Calendar - A calendar. Inspirations for this class can be traced to the VCALENDAR component...
ncal:CalendarDataObject - A DataObject found in a calendar. It is usually interpreted as one of the calend...
ncal:CalendarScale - A calendar scale. This class has been introduced to provide the limited vocabula...
ncal:CalendarUserType - A calendar user type. This class has been introduced to express the limited voca...
nco:CarPhoneNumber - A car phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=car) parameter of the TEL property as ...
nco:CellPhoneNumber - A cellular phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=cell) parameter of the TEL proper...
pimo:City - A large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent admini...
pimo:ClassOrThing - Superclass of class and thing. To add properties to both class and thing.
pimo:ClassOrThingOrPropertyOrAssociation - Superclass of resources that can be generated by the user.
pimo:ClassRole - Roles of classes in PIMO: concrete instances are Abstract and Concrete.
pimo:Collection - A collection of Things, independent of their class. The items in the collection ...
nfo:CompressionType - Type of compression. Instances of this class represent the limited set of values...
nrl:Configuration - Represents a named graph containing configuration data
nco:Contact - A Contact. A piece of data that can provide means to identify or communicate wit...
nco:ContactGroup - A group of Contacts. Could be used to express a group in an addressbook or on a ...
nco:ContactList - A contact list, this class represents an addressbook or a contact list of an IM ...
nco:ContactListDataObject - An entity occuring on a contact list (usually interpreted as an nco:Contact)
nco:ContactMedium - A superclass for all contact media - ways to contact an entity represented by a ...
pimo:Contract - A binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law. (Def...
pimo:Country - The territory occupied by a nation; "he returned to the land of his birth"; "he ...
nfo:Cursor - A Cursor.


nrl:Data - An abstract class representing all named graph roles
nfo:DataContainer - A superclass for all entities, whose primary purpose is to serve as containers f...
nie:DataObject - A unit of data that is created, annotated and processed on the user desktop. It ...
nie:DataSource - A superclass for all entities from which DataObjects can be extracted. Each enti...
nrl:DefiningProperty - A defining property's value is part of what defines a resource, changing it mean...
tmo:Delegability -
nfo:DeletedResource - A file entity that has been deleted from the original source. Usually such entit...
nuao:DesktopEvent - A desktop event: activity performed by an user. A "hook" class that should be ex...
nrl:DiscardableInstanceBase - A named graph containing instance data that can be recreated by analyzing the or...
pimo:Document - A generic document. This is a placeholder class for document-management domain o...
nfo:Document - A generic document. A common superclass for all documents on the desktop.
nrl:DocumentGraph - A marker class to identify named graphs that exist within a physical document
nco:DomesticDeliveryAddress - Domestic Delivery Addresse. Class inspired by TYPE=dom parameter of the ADR prop...
ndo:DownloadEvent - A single event (from the point of view of the user) of downloading of a file or ...


nmo:Email - An email.
nco:EmailAddress - An email address. The recommended best practice is to use mailto: uris for insta...
nfo:EmbeddedFileDataObject - A file embedded in another data object. There are many ways in which a file may ...
nfo:EncryptionStatus - The status of the encryption of an InformationElement. nfo:encryptedStatus means...
pimo:Event - Something that happens An Event is conceived as compact in time. (Definition fro...
nuao:Event - An event: activity that have a specific start datetime and possibly a duration
ncal:Event - Provide a grouping of component properties that describe an event.
ncal:EventStatus - A status of an event. This class has been introduced to express the limited set ...
nfo:Executable - An executable file.
nrl:ExternalViewSpecification - Represents an external view specification, this usually being a program which au...


nco:FaxNumber - A fax number. Inspired by the (TYPE=fax) parameter of the TEL property as define...
nfo:FileDataObject - A resource containing a finite sequence of bytes with arbitrary information, tha...
nfo:FileHash - A fingerprint of the file, generated by some hashing function.
nfo:Filesystem - A filesystem. Examples of filesystems include hard disk partitions, removable me...
nfo:FilesystemImage (deprecated) - An image of a filesystem. Instances of this class may include CD images, DVD ima...
nuao:FocusEvent - An event which refers to the timespan in which a resource was in the focus of th...
nfo:Folder - A folder/directory. Examples of folders include folders on a filesystem and mess...
nfo:Font - A font.
nao:FreeDesktopIcon - Represents a desktop icon as defined in the FreeDesktop Icon Naming Standard (ht...
ncal:Freebusy - Provide a grouping of component properties that describe either a request for fr...
ncal:FreebusyPeriod - An aggregate of a period and a freebusy type. This class has been introduced to ...
ncal:FreebusyType - Type of a Freebusy indication. This class has been introduced to serve as a limi...
nrl:FunctionalProperty - A marker class to identify functional properties


nco:Gender - Gender. Instances of this class may include male and female.
nrl:Graph - Represents a named graph
nrl:GraphMetadata - Represents a special named graph that contains metadata for another graph
nrl:GraphView - Identifies a graph which is itself a view of another named graph


nfo:HardDiskPartition - A partition on a hard disk
nfo:HtmlDocument - A HTML document, may contain links to other files.


nco:IMAccount - An account in an Instant Messaging system.
nco:IMCapability - Capabilities of a cetain IMAccount.
nmo:IMMessage - A message sent with Instant Messaging software.
nco:IMStatusType - The status type of an IMAccount. Based on the Connection_Presence_Type enumerati...
nfo:Icon - An Icon (regardless of whether it's a raster or a vector icon. A resource repres...
nfo:Image - A file containing an image.
tmo:Importance -
nie:InformationElement - A unit of content the user works with. This is a superclass for all interpretati...
nrl:InstanceBase - Represents a named graph containing instance data
tmo:Interdependence -
nco:InternationalDeliveryAddress - International Delivery Addresse. Class inspired by TYPE=intl parameter of the AD...
nrl:InverseFunctionalProperty - A marker class to identify inverse functional properties
nco:IsdnNumber - An ISDN phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=isdn) parameter of the TEL property ...


ncal:Journal - Provide a grouping of component properties that describe a journal entry.
ncal:JournalStatus - A status of a journal entry. This class has been introduced to express the limit...


nrl:KnowledgeBase - Represents a named graph containing both schematic and instance data


nfo:LocalFileDataObject - A local file data object which is stored on a local file system. Its nie:url alw...
pimo:Locatable - Things that can be at a location. Abstract class, use it as a superclass of thin...
pimo:Location - A physical location. Subclasses are modeled for the most common locations humans...
pimo:LogicalMediaType - Logical media types represent the content aspect of information elements e.g. a ...


nmo:Mailbox - A mailbox - container for MailboxDataObjects.
nmo:MailboxDataObject - An entity encountered in a mailbox. Most common interpretations for such an enti...
nfo:Media - A piece of media content. This class may be used to express complex media contai...
nfo:MediaFileListEntry - A single node in the list of media files contained within an MediaList instance....
nfo:MediaList - A file containing a list of media files.e.g. a playlist
nfo:MediaStream - A stream of multimedia content, usually contained within a media container such ...
pimo:Meeting - The social act of assembling for some common purpose; "his meeting with the sale...
nmo:Message - A message. Could be an email, instant messanging message, SMS message etc.
nmo:MessageHeader - An arbitrary message header.
nco:MessagingNumber - A number that can accept textual messages.
nmo:MimeEntity - A MIME entity, as defined in RFC2045, Section 2.4.
nfo:MindMap - A MindMap, created by a mind-mapping utility. Examples might include FreeMind or...
nco:ModemNumber - A modem phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=modem) parameter of the TEL property...
nuao:ModificationEvent - An event that lead to changes of the resource that are meaningful to the user
nmm:Movie - A Movie
nmm:MusicAlbum - The music album as provided by the publisher. Not to be confused with media list...
nmm:MusicPiece - Used to assign music-specific properties such a BPM to video and audio


ncal:NcalDateTime -
ncal:NcalPeriod - A period of time. Inspired by the PERIOD datatype specified in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3...
ncal:NcalTimeEntity - A time entity. Conceived as a common superclass for NcalDateTime and NcalPeriod....
nrl:NonDefiningProperty - A non-defining property's value is not part of what defines a resource, it rathe...
pimo:Note - A note. The textual contents of the note should be expressed in the nao:descript...


nrl:Ontology - Represents a named graph having the role of an Ontology
nfo:OperatingSystem - An OperatingSystem
pimo:Organization - An administrative and functional structure (as a business or a political party)....
nco:OrganizationContact - A Contact that denotes on Organization.
pimo:OrganizationMember - The role of one or multiple persons being a member in one or multiple organizati...
ncal:Organizer - An organizer of an event. This class has been introduced to serve as a range of ...


ndo:P2PFile - A file available via a peer-to-peer network
nco:PagerNumber - A pager phone number. Inspired by the (TYPE=pager) parameter of the TEL property...
nfo:PaginatedTextDocument - A file containing a text document, that is unambiguously divided into pages. Exa...
nco:ParcelDeliveryAddress - Parcel Delivery Addresse. Class inspired by TYPE=parcel parameter of the ADR pro...
ncal:ParticipationStatus - Participation Status. This class has been introduced to express the limited voca...
nao:Party - Represents a single or a group of individuals
nco:PcsNumber - Personal Communication Services Number. A class inspired by the TYPE=pcs paramet...
pimo:Person - Represents a person. Either living, dead, real or imaginary. (Definition from fo...
nco:PersonContact - A Contact that denotes a Person. A person can have multiple Affiliations.
pimo:PersonGroup - A group of Persons. They are connected to each other by sharing a common attribu...
tmo:PersonInvolvement - PersonInvolvement realizes n-ary associations to Persons which are realtedd to ...
tmo:PersonInvolvementRole - They further specify the type a person was related to an task. Examples instance...
pimo:PersonRole - A person takes a certain role in a given context. The role can be that of "a men...
pimo:PersonalInformationModel - A Personal Information Model (PIMO) of a user. Represents the sum of all informa...
nco:PhoneNumber - A telephone number.
nexif:Photo - A photo, an image captured using a camera, an EXIF Image File Directory. Impleme...
nfo:PlainTextDocument - A file containing plain text (ASCII, Unicode or other encodings). Examples may i...
nco:PostalAddress - A postal address. A class aggregating the various parts of a value for the 'ADR'...
tmo:PredecessorDependency - In a PredecessorDependency the dependencyMemberA is the task which is to be exe...
tmo:PredecessorSuccessorDependency - The PredecessorSuccessorDependency enables a directed relation between task. By ...
nfo:Presentation - A Presentation made by some presentation software (Corel Presentations, OpenOffi...
tmo:Priority -
pimo:ProcessConcept - Concepts that relate to a series of actions or operations conducing to an end. A...
pimo:Project - Any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted (Wordnet). An enterprise caref...


nfo:RasterImage - A raster image.
ncal:RecurrenceFrequency - Frequency of a recurrence rule. This class has been introduced to express a limi...
ncal:RecurrenceIdentifier - Recurrence Identifier. Introduced to provide a structure for the value of ncal:r...
ncal:RecurrenceIdentifierRange - Recurrence Identifier Range. This class has been created to provide means to exp...
ncal:RecurrenceRule -
nrl:ReflexiveProperty - A marker class to identify reflexive properties
nfo:RemoteDataObject - A file data object stored at a remote location. Don't confuse this class with a ...
nfo:RemotePortAddress - An address specifying a remote host and port. Such an address can be interpreted...
ncal:RequestStatus - Request Status. A class that was introduced to provide a structure for the value...
nco:Role - A role played by a contact. Contacts that denote people, can have many roles (e....
tmo:Role - examples: Architect, Developer, ...
pimo:Room - A properPart of a Building which is separated from the exterior of the Building ...
nrl:RuleViewSpecification - Represents a view specification that is composed of a set of rules which generat...


nrl:Schema - Represents a named graph containing schematic data
nrl:Semantics - Represents some declarative semantics
tmo:SimilarityDependence -
tmo:Skill - examples are e.g. technologies like Java, XML, ...
pimo:SocialEvent - A social occasion or activity. (Definition from Merriam-Webster)
nfo:Software - A piece of software. Examples may include applications and the operating system....
nfo:SoftwareItem - A DataObject representing a piece of software. Examples of interpretations of a ...
nfo:SoftwareService - A service published by a piece of software, either by an operating system or an ...
nfo:SourceCode - Code in a compilable or interpreted programming language.
nfo:Spreadsheet - A spreadsheet, created by a spreadsheet application. Examples might include Gnum...
pimo:State - Administrative subdivisions of a Nation that are broader than any other politica...
tmo:StateTypeRole - StateTypeRole is an abstract class which subsumes various other classes which re...
tmo:SuccessorDependency - In a SuccessorrDependency the dependencyMemberA is the task which is to be execu...
tmo:SuperSubTaskDependency - By means of the SuperSubTaskDependency one can further describe the subtask-supe...
nao:Symbol - Represents a symbol, a visual representation of a resource. Typically a local or...
nrl:SymmetricProperty - A marker class to identify symmetric properties


nmm:TVSeries - A TV Series has multiple seasons and episodes
nmm:TVShow - A TV Show
pimo:Tag - Tags in the context of PIMO. A marker class for Things that are used to categori...
nao:Tag - Represents a generic tag
tmo:Task - The tmo:task is the central entitiey of the tmo. Task can range from vague thing...
pimo:Task - A (usually assigned) piece of work (often to be finished within a certain time)....
tmo:TaskContainer -
tmo:TaskDependency - Between the tasks, further dependencies may exist. These dependencies allow for ...
tmo:TaskPrivacyState - Privacy Status serves for the separation between a professional and a private pu...
tmo:TaskState - The task state property allows tracking a task during its lifecycle. Initially t...
tmo:TaskTransmission - On the SSD, tasks are not restricted to one person and may cross from the PTM of...
nfo:TextDocument - A text document
pimo:Thing - Entities that are in the direct attention of the user when doing knowledge work.
ncal:TimeTransparency - Time transparency. Introduced to provide a way to express the limited vocabulary...
ncal:Timezone - Provide a grouping of component properties that defines a time zone.
ncal:TimezoneObservance -
ncal:Todo - Provide a grouping of calendar properties that describe a to-do.
ncal:TodoStatus - A status of a calendar entity. This class has been introduced to express the lim...
pimo:Topic - A topic is the subject of a discussion or document. Topics are distinguished fro...
ndo:Torrent - A .torrent file which contains references(ndo:TorrentedFile) to files available ...
ndo:TorrentedFile - A file available via a BitTorrent peer-to-peer network
nrl:TransitiveProperty - A marker class to identify transitive properties
tmo:TransmissionState - States a task can go through during transmission of an task.
tmo:TransmissionType - By means of the TransmissionType one can distinguish several different types whi...
nfo:Trash - Represents a container for deleted files, a feature common in modern operating s...
ncal:Trigger - An alarm trigger. This class has been created to serve as the range of ncal:trig...
ncal:TriggerRelation - The relation between the trigger and its parent calendar component. This class h...



nfo:VectorImage -
nfo:Video - A video file.
nco:VideoIMAccount (deprecated) - Deprecated in favour of nco:imCapabilityVideo.
nco:VideoTelephoneNumber - A Video telephone number. A class inspired by the TYPE=video parameter of the TE...
nrl:ViewSpecification - Represents a specification of the means to achieve a transformation of an input ...
nfo:Visual - File containing visual content.
nco:VoicePhoneNumber - A telephone number with voice communication capabilities. Class inspired by the ...


nfo:WebDataObject - An information resources of which representations (files, streams) can be retrie...
nfo:Website - A website, usually a container for remote resources, that may be interpreted as ...
ncal:Weekday - Day of the week. This class has been created to provide the limited vocabulary f...