All Properties

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tmo:abilityCarrier -
tmo:abilityCarrierInvolvement -
tmo:abilityCarrierRole -
tmo:abilityCarrierTask -
ncal:action - This property defines the action to be invoked when an alarm is triggered. Inspi...
nmm:actor - Actor
tmo:actualCompletion -
tmo:actualEndTime -
tmo:actualStartTime -
tmo:actualTime -
nco:addressLocation - The geographical location of a postal address.
nmm:albumGain - ReplayGain album(audiophile) gain
nmm:albumPeakGain - ReplayGain album(audiophile) peak gain
nmm:albumTrackCount - The number of tracks in a music album.
nao:altLabel - An alternative label alongside the preferred label for a resource
nao:altSymbol - An alternative symbol representation for a resource
nao:annotation - Generic annotation for a resource
nexif:apertureValue - tagNumber: 37378 The lens aperture. The unit is the APEX value.
nexif:artist - tagNumber: 315 Person who created the image
nmm:artwork - Associated Artwork
nfo:aspectRatio - Visual content aspect ratio. (Width divided by Height)
nmm:assistantDirector -
pimo:associationEffectual - During which time is this association effective? If omitted, the association is ...
pimo:associationMember - An super-property of all roles that an entity can have in an association. Member...
ncal:attach - The property provides the capability to associate a document object with a calen...
tmo:attachment - connects a Task with an Attachment object. Attachments are associations of Thing...
ncal:attachmentContent - The uri of the attachment. Created to express the actual value of the ATTACH pro...
tmo:attachmentReference -
tmo:attachmentRole -
tmo:attachmentTask - Inverse of attachment, connects an Attachment Association to the associated Task...
ncal:attachmentUri - The uri of the attachment. Created to express the actual value of the ATTACH pro...
ncal:attendee - The property defines an "Attendee" within a calendar component. Inspired by RFC ...
pimo:attendee - A social event is attended by a person.
pimo:attendingMeeting - the attended meeting
pimo:attends - A person attends a social event.
nmm:audienceRating - Rating used to identify appropriate audience for video (MPAA rating, BBFC, FSK, ...
nfo:averageBitrate - The average overall bitrate of a media container. (i.e. the size of the piece of...


nmo:bcc (deprecated) - deprecated in favor of nmo:emailBcc
nmm:beatsPerMinute - beats per minute
nfo:belongsToContainer - Models the containment relations between Files and Folders (or CompressedFiles).
nco:belongsToGroup - Links a Contact with a ContactGroup it belongs to.
nco:birthDate - Birth date of the object represented by this Contact. An equivalent of the 'BDAY...
nfo:bitDepth - A common superproperty for all properties signifying the amount of bits for an a...
nfo:bitrateType - The type of the bitrate. Examples may include CBR and VBR.
nexif:bitsPerSample - tagNumber: 258 The number of bits per image component. In this standard each com...
nfo:bitsPerSample - Amount of bits in each audio sample.
nco:blogUrl - A Blog url.
nfo:bookmarks - The address of the linked object. Usually a web URI.
nexif:brightnessValue - tagNumber: 37379 The value of brightness. The unit is the APEX value. Ordinarily...
ncal:byday - Weekdays the recurrence should occur. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10
ncal:bydayModifier - An integer modifier for the BYDAY rule part. Each BYDAY value can also be pre...
ncal:bydayWeekday - Connects a BydayRulePath with a weekday.
ncal:byhour - Hour of recurrence. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10
ncal:byminute - Minute of recurrence. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10
ncal:bymonth - Number of the month of the recurrence. Valid values are integers from 1 (January...
ncal:bymonthday - Day of the month when the event should recur. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10
ncal:bysecond - Second of a recurrence. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10
ncal:bysetpos - The BYSETPOS rule part specify values which correspond to the nth occurrence wit...
nie:byteSize - The overall size of the data object in bytes. That means the space taken by the ...
ncal:byweekno - The number of the week an event should recur. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10
ncal:byyearday - Day of the year the event should occur. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10


ncal:calscale - This property defines the calendar scale used for the calendar information speci...
nrl:cardinality - Specifies the precise value cardinality for a specific property
ncal:categories - Categories for a calendar component. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec with the f...
nmo:cc (deprecated) - deprecated in favor of nmo:emailCc
nexif:cfaPattern - tagNumber: 41730 The color filter array (CFA) geometric pattern of the image sen...
nfo:channels - Number of channels. This property is to be used directly if no detailed informat...
nfo:characterCount - The amount of characters in the document.
nfo:characterPosition - Character position of the bookmark.
nie:characterSet - Characterset in which the content of the InformationElement was created. Example...
nmm:cinematographer -
ncal:class - Defines the access classification for a calendar component. Inspired by RFC 2445...
pimo:classRole - Annotating abstract and concrete classes. Implementations may offer the feature ...
nfo:codec - The name of the codec necessary to decode a piece of media.
nfo:colorCount - The number of colors used/available in a raster image.
nfo:colorDepth - Amount of bits used to express the color of each pixel.
nexif:colorSpace - tagNumber: 40961 The color space information tag (ColorSpace) is always recorded...
ncal:comment - Non-processing information intended to provide a comment to the calendar user. I...
nie:comment - A user comment about an InformationElement.
ncal:commentAltRep - Alternate representation of the comment. Introduced to cover the ALTREP paramet...
nfo:commentCharacterCount - The amount of character in comments i.e. characters ignored by the compiler/inte...
ncal:completed - This property defines the date and time that a to-do was actually completed. Ins...
ncal:component - Links the Vcalendar instance with the calendar components. This property has no ...
nexif:componentsConfiguration - Information specific to compressed data. The channels of each component are arra...
nmm:composer - Composer
nexif:compressedBitsPerPixel - tagNumber: 37122 Information specific to compressed data. The compression mode u...
nexif:compression - The compression scheme used for the image data. When a primary image is JPEG com...
nfo:compressionType - The type of the compression. Values include, 'lossy' and 'lossless'.
nfo:conflicts - States that a piece of software is in conflict with another piece of software.
ncal:contact - The property is used to represent contact information or alternately a reference...
ncal:contactAltRep - Alternate representation of the contact property. Introduced to cover the ALTRE...
nco:contactGroupName - The name of the contact group. This property was NOT defined in the VCARD s...
nco:contactMediumComment (deprecated) - A comment about the contact medium. (Deprecated in favor of nie:comment or nao:d...
nco:contactUID - A value that represents a globally unique identifier corresponding to the indiv...
nfo:containsBookmark - The folder contains a bookmark.
nfo:containsBookmarkFolder - The folder contains a bookmark folder.
nco:containsContact - A property used to group contacts into contact groups. This property was NO...
pimo:containsLocation - The subject location contains the object location. For example, a building conta...
tmo:containsTask -
nie:contentCreated - The date of the content creation. This may not necessarily be equal to the date ...
nie:contentLastModified - The date of the last modification of the original content (not its corresponding...
nmo:contentMimeType - Key used to store the MIME type of the content of an object when it is different...
nie:contentModified - The date of a modification of the original content (not its corresponding DataOb...
nie:contentSize - The size of the content. This property can be used whenever the size of the cont...
tmo:contextTask -
tmo:contextThread -
nexif:contrast - tagNumber: 41992 The direction of contrast processing applied by the camera when...
nao:contributor - Refers to a single or a group of individuals that contributed to a resource
nco:contributor - An entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the Information...
ndo:copiedFrom - Links a DataObject with its copy. This relation means that originally the Data O...
nie:copyright - Content copyright
nexif:copyright (deprecated) - tagNumber: 33432 Copyright information. In this standard the tag is used to indi...
nie:coreGraph (deprecated) - Connects the data object with the graph that contains information about it. Depr...
nrl:coreGraphMetadataFor - Links a metadata graph to the graph for which it specifies the core graph proper...
nfo:count - A common superproperty for all properties signifying the amount of atomic media ...
ncal:count - How many times should an event be repeated. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10
nco:country - A part of an address specyfing the country. Inspired by the seventh part of the ...
ncal:created - This property specifies the date and time that the calendar information was crea...
nie:created - Date of creation of the DataObject. Note that this date refers to the creation o...
nao:created - States the creation, or first modification time for a resource
tmo:createdBy -
pimo:createdPimo - The creator of the Personal Information Model. The human being whose mental mode...
pimo:creator - The creator of the Personal Information Model. A subproperty of NAO:creator. The...
nao:creator - Refers to the single or group of individuals that created the resource
nco:creator - Creator of an information element, an entity primarily responsible for the creat...
nexif:customRendered - The use of special processing on image data, such as rendering geared to output....
ncal:cutype - To specify the type of calendar user specified by the property. Inspired by RFC ...


nie:dataSource - Marks the provenance of a DataObject, what source does a data object come from.
nexif:datatype - The Exif field data type, such as ascii, byte, short etc.
pimo:datatypeProperty - The object of statements is a literal, resource, or datatype value describing th...
ncal:date - Date an instance of NcalDateTime refers to. It was conceived to express values i...
nexif:date - a date information. Usually saved as YYYY:MM:DD (HH:MM:SS) format in Exif data, ...
nexif:dateAndOrTime - An attribute relating to Date and/or Time
nexif:dateTime - The date and time of image creation. In this standard it is the date and time th...
ncal:dateTime - Representation of a date an instance of NcalDateTime actually refers to. It's pu...
tmo:dateTime - dateTime subsumes various properties with Range XMLSchema:dateTime. If possible ...
nexif:dateTimeDigitized - The date and time when the image was stored as digital data. If, for example, an...
nexif:dateTimeOriginal - tagNumber: 36867 The date and time when the original image data was generated. F...
ncal:daylight - Links a timezone with it's daylight observance. This property has no direct equi...
nfo:definesClass - Name of a class defined in the source code file.
nfo:definesFunction - A name of a function/method defined in the given source code file.
nfo:definesGlobalVariable - Name of a global variable defined within the source code file.
tmo:delegability -
ncal:delegatedFrom - To specify the calendar users that have delegated their participation to the cal...
ncal:delegatedTo - To specify the calendar users to whom the calendar user specified by the propert...
nfo:deletionDate - The date and time of the deletion.
nco:department - Department. The organizational unit within the organization.
tmo:dependency -
tmo:dependencyDescription - Endusers can clarify why they created a depedency.
tmo:dependencyMemberA - The semantic of this relation is defined in the sublclass of undirected Dependen...
tmo:dependencyMemberB - The semantic of this relation is defined in the sublclass of undirected Dependen...
tmo:dependencyOrderNumber -
tmo:dependencyType -
nie:depends - Dependency relation. A piece of content depends on another piece of data in orde...
nfo:depiction - Relates an information element to an image which depicts said element.
nfo:depicts - Relates an image to the information elements it depicts.
nao:deprecated - If this property is assigned, the subject class, property, or resource, is depre...
nao:description - A non-technical textual annotation for a resource
nie:description - A textual description of the resource. This property may be used for any metadat...
ncal:description - A more complete description of the calendar component, than that provided by th...
ncal:descriptionAltRep - Alternate representation of the calendar entity description. Introduced to cover...
nexif:deviceSettingDescription - tagNumber: 41995 Information on the picture-taking conditions of a particular ca...
nexif:digitalZoomRatio - tagNumber: 41988 The digital zoom ratio when the image was shot. If the numerato...
ncal:dir - Specifies a reference to a directory entry associated with the calendar user spe...
nmm:director - Director
nie:disclaimer - A disclaimer
pimo:dtend - This property specifies the date and time when a process ends. Inspired by NCAL:...
ncal:dtend - This property specifies the date and time that a calendar component ends. Inspir...
ncal:dtstamp - The property indicates the date/time that the instance of the iCalendar object w...
pimo:dtstart - This property specifies when the process begins. Inspired by NCAL:dtstart.
ncal:dtstart - This property specifies when the calendar component begins. Inspired by RFC 2445...
ncal:due - This property defines the date and time that a to-do is expected to be completed...
tmo:dueDate -
pimo:duration - The duration of the process (meeting, event, etc). Difference between start and ...
nuao:duration (deprecated) - Duration of the event. Deprecated in favor of nuao:end.
ncal:duration - The property specifies a positive duration of time. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. 4....
nfo:duration - Duration of a media piece.


nco:emailAddress -
nmo:emailBcc - A Contact that is to receive a bcc of the email. A Bcc (blind carbon copy) is a ...
nmo:emailCc - A Contact that is to receive a cc of the email. A cc (carbon copy) is a copy of ...
nmo:emailTo - The primary intended recipient of an email.
ncal:encoding - To specify an alternate inline encoding for the property value. Inspired by RFC ...
nfo:encoding - The encoding used for the Embedded File. Examples might include BASE64 or UUEnco...
nfo:encryptionStatus - The status of the encryption of the InformationElement.
nco:end - End datetime for the role, such as: the datetime of leaving a project or organiz...
nuao:end - The time the event finished
tmo:endTime -
nao:engineeringTool - Specifies the engineering tool used to generate the graph
nmm:episodeNumber -
nrl:equivalentGraph - Links two equivalent named graphs. A symmetric property
nuao:eventCount - The total number of events
ncal:eventStatus - Defines the overall status or confirmation for an Event. Based on the STATUS pro...
ncal:exdate - This property defines the list of date/time exceptions for a recurring calendar ...
nexif:exifAttribute - A property that connects an IFD (or other resource) to one of its entries (Exif ...
nexif:exifIFDPointer - tagNumber: 34665 A pointer to the Exif IFD, which is a set of tags for recording...
nexif:exifVersion - tagNumber: 36864 Exif Version
nexif:exifdata - An Exif IFD data entry
nexif:exposureBiasValue - tagNumber: 37380 The exposure bias. The unit is the APEX value. Ordinarily it is...
nexif:exposureIndex - The exposure index selected on the camera or input device at the time the image ...
nexif:exposureMode - tagNumber: 41986 the exposure mode set when the image was shot. In auto-bracketi...
nexif:exposureProgram - tagNumber: 34850 The class of the program used by the camera to set exposure whe...
nexif:exposureTime - tagNumber: 33434 Exposure time, given in seconds (sec).
ncal:exrule - This property defines a rule or repeating pattern for an exception to a recurren...
nco:extendedAddress - An extended part of an address. This field might be used to express parts of an ...
nrl:externalRealizer - Points to the location of the realizer for the external view specification


nexif:fNumber - tagNumber: 33437 F number
ncal:fbtype - To specify the free or busy time type. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. 4.2.9. The RFC ...
nfo:fileCreated - File creation date
nfo:fileLastAccessed - Time when the file was last accessed.
nfo:fileLastModified (deprecated) - last modification date
nfo:fileName - Name of the file, together with the extension
nfo:fileOwner - The owner of the file as defined by the file system access rights feature.
nfo:fileSize - The size of the file in bytes. For compressed files it means the size of the pac...
nexif:fileSource - The image source. If a DSC recorded the image, this tag value of this tag always...
nfo:fileUrl (deprecated) - URL of the file. It points at the location of the file. In cases where creating ...
nfo:filesystemType - Type of filesystem such as ext3 and ntfs.
nuao:firstEvent - The start time of the first event
nuao:firstModification - The start time of the first modification
nuao:firstUsage - The start time of the first usage
nexif:flash - tagNumber: 37385 The status of flash when the image was shot.
nexif:flashEnergy - tagNumber: 41483 The strobe energy at the time the image is captured, as measure...
nexif:flashpixVersion - tagNumber: 40960 The Flashpix format version supported by a FPXR file. If the FP...
ncal:fmttype - To specify the content type of a referenced object. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. 4....
nco:foafUrl - The URL of the FOAF file.
nexif:focalLength - The actual focal length of the lens, in mm. Conversion is not made to the focal ...
nexif:focalLengthIn35mmFilm - The equivalent focal length assuming a 35mm film camera, in mm. A value of 0 mea...
nexif:focalPlaneResolutionUnit - The unit for measuring FocalPlaneXResolution and FocalPlaneYResolution. This val...
nexif:focalPlaneXResolution - The number of pixels in the image width (X) direction per FocalPlaneResolutionUn...
nexif:focalPlaneYResolution - tagNumber: 41487 The number of pixels in the image height (Y) direction per Foca...
nfo:fontFamily - The name of the font family.
nfo:foundry - The foundry, the organization that created the font.
nfo:frameCount - The amount of frames in a video sequence.
nfo:frameRate - Amount of video frames per second.
nfo:freeSpace - Unoccupied storage space of the filesystem.
ncal:freebusy - The property defines one or more free or busy time intervals. Inspired by RFC 24...
ncal:freq - Frequency of a recurrence rule. Defined in RFC 2445 sec. 4.3.10
nmo:from (deprecated) - deprecated in favor of nmo:messageFrom
nfo:frontChannels - Number of front channels.
nco:fullname - To specify the formatted text corresponding to the name of the object the Contac...


nexif:gainControl - tagNumber: 41991 The degree of overall image gain adjustment.
nco:gender - Gender of the given contact.
nie:generator - Software used to "generate" the contents. E.g. a word processor name.
nie:generatorOption - A common superproperty for all settings used by the generating software. This ma...
nmm:genre - Genre
ncal:geo - This property specifies information related to the global position for the activ...
nexif:geo - Geometric data such as latitude, longitude and altitude. Usually saved as ration...
nexif:gps - The location where the picture has been made. This property aggregates values of...
nexif:gpsAltitudeRef - Indicates the altitude used as the reference altitude. If the reference is sea l...
nexif:gpsAreaInformation - A character string recording the name of the GPS area. The first byte indicates ...
nexif:gpsDOP - The GPS DOP (data degree of precision). An HDOP value is written during two-dime...
nexif:gpsDateStamp - tagNumber: 29 date and time information relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal T...
nexif:gpsDest - Location of the destination. This property aggregates values of two other proper...
nexif:gpsDestBearing - The bearing to the destination point. The range of values is from 0.00 to 359.99...
nexif:gpsDestBearingRef - Indicates the reference used for giving the bearing to the destination point. 'T...
nexif:gpsDestDistance - The distance to the destination point. tagNumber: 26
nexif:gpsDestDistanceRef - Indicates the unit used to express the distance to the destination point. 'K', '...
nexif:gpsDestLatitudeRef - tagNumber: 19 Reference for latitude of destination
nexif:gpsDestLongitudeRef - Reference for longitude of destination tagNumber: 21
nexif:gpsDifferential - tagNumber: 30 Indicates whether differential correction is applied to the GPS re...
nexif:gpsImgDirection - tagNumber: 17 The direction of the image when it was captured. The range of valu...
nexif:gpsImgDirectionRef - tagNumber: 16 The reference for giving the direction of the image when it is cap...
nexif:gpsInfo - An attribute relating to GPS information
nexif:gpsInfoIFDPointer - A pointer to the GPS IFD, which is a set of tags for recording GPS information. ...
nexif:gpsLatitudeRef - tagNumber: 1 Indicates whether the latitude is north or south latitude. The ASCI...
nexif:gpsLongitudeRef - tagNumber: 3 Indicates whether the longitude is east or west longitude. ASCII 'E...
nexif:gpsMapDatum - The geodetic survey data used by the GPS receiver. If the survey data is restric...
nexif:gpsMeasureMode - The GPS measurement mode. '2' means two-dimensional measurement and '3' means th...
nexif:gpsProcessingMethod - tagNumber: 27 A character string recording the name of the method used for locat...
nexif:gpsSatellites - tagNumber: 8 The GPS satellites used for measurements. This tag can be used to d...
nexif:gpsSpeed - The speed of GPS receiver movement. tagNumber: 13
nexif:gpsSpeedRef - tagNumber: 12 The unit used to express the GPS receiver speed of movement. 'K' '...
nexif:gpsStatus - tagNumber: 9 The status of the GPS receiver when the image is recorded. 'A' mean...
nexif:gpsTimeStamp - tagNumber: 7 The time as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). TimeStamp is expresse...
nexif:gpsTrack - The direction of GPS receiver movement. The range of values is from 0.00 to 359....
nexif:gpsTrackRef - tagNumber: 14 The reference for giving the direction of GPS receiver movement. '...
nexif:gpsVersionID - The version of GPSInfoIFD. The version is given as This tag is mandator...
nrl:graphMetadataFor - Links a metadata graph to the graph that is being described. A unique value is c...
pimo:groundingForDeletedThing - This NIE Information Element was used as a grounding occurrence for the object T...
pimo:groundingOccurrence - The subject Thing represents the entity that is described in the object Informat...


nco:hasAffiliation - Links a PersonContact with an Affiliation.
ncal:hasAlarm - Links an event or a todo with a DataObject that can be interpreted as an alarm. ...
nmo:hasAttachment - Links a message with files that were sent as attachments.
nco:hasContactMedium - A superProperty for all properties linking a Contact to an instance of a contact...
nao:hasDefaultNamespace - Defines the default static namespace for a graph
nao:hasDefaultNamespaceAbbreviation - Defines the default static namespace abbreviation for a graph
pimo:hasDeprecatedRepresentation - The subject Thing was represented previously using the object resource. This ind...
nco:hasEmailAddress - An address for electronic mail communication with the object specified by this c...
nmm:hasEpisode - A TVSeries has many episodes
pimo:hasFolder - Folders can be used to store information elements related to a Thing or Class. T...
pimo:hasGlobalNamespace - The global namespace of this user using the semdesk uri scheme, based on the Glo...
nfo:hasHash - Links the file with it's hash value.
nco:hasIMAccount - Indicates that an Instant Messaging account owned by an entity represented by th...
nco:hasIMCapability - Indicates that an IMAccount has a certain capability.
pimo:hasLocalNamespace - The local namespace of this user using the semdesk uri scheme, based on the Loca...
nco:hasLocation - Geographical location of the contact. Inspired by the 'GEO' property specified i...
pimo:hasLocation - The subject thing is currently located at the object location.
nie:hasLogicalPart - Generic property used to express 'logical' containment relationships between Inf...
nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry - This property is intended to point to an RDF list of MediaFiles.
nfo:hasMediaStream - Connects a media container with a single media stream contained within.
pimo:hasOrganizationMember - The subject organization has the object person or organization (Agent) as a memb...
pimo:hasOtherConceptualization - Short: hasOtherRepresentation points from a Class in your PIMO to a class in a d...
pimo:hasOtherRepresentation - hasOtherRepresentation points from a Thing in your PIMO to a thing in an ontolog...
pimo:hasOtherSlot - hasOtherSlot points from a clot in your PIMO to a slot in a domain ontology tha...
nie:hasPart - Generic property used to express 'physical' containment relationships between Da...
pimo:hasPart - The object is part of the subject. Like a page is part of a book or an engine is...
nco:hasPhoneNumber - A number for telephony communication with the object represented by this Contact...
nco:hasPostalAddress - The default Address for a Contact. An equivalent of the 'ADR' property as define...
pimo:hasRootTopic - The root topics of this PersonalInformationModel's topic hierarchy. Every topic ...
nrl:hasSemantics - Points to a representation of the declarative semantics for a graph role
nrl:hasSpecification - Points to the representation of the view specification required to generate the ...
nao:hasSubResource - Defines a relationship between a resource and one or more sub resources. Descrip...
nao:hasSuperResource - Defines a relationship between a resource and one or more super resources
nao:hasSymbol - Annotation for a resource in the form of a visual representation. Typically the ...
pimo:hasTag - The subject's contents describes the object. Or the subject can be seen as belon...
nao:hasTag - Defines an existing tag for a resource
nao:hasTopic - Defines a relationship between two resources, where the object is a topic of the...
nfo:hashAlgorithm - Name of the algorithm used to compute the hash value. Examples might include CRC...
nfo:hashValue - The actual value of the hash.
nmo:headerName - Name of the message header.
nmo:headerValue - Value of the message header.
nexif:height - Height of an object
nfo:height - Visual content height in pixels.
nco:hobby - A hobby associated with a PersonContact. This property can be used to express ho...
nfo:horizontalResolution - Horizontal resolution of an image (if printed). Expressed in DPI.
nie:htmlContent - The HTML content of an information element. This property can be used to store t...
nmo:htmlMessageContent - HTML representation of the body of the message. For multipart messages, all part...


nao:iconName - Defines a name for a FreeDesktop Icon as defined in the FreeDesktop Icon Naming ...
nie:identifier - An unambiguous reference to the InformationElement within a given context. Recom...
nao:identifier - Defines a generic identifier for a resource
nexif:ifdPointer - A tag that refers a child IFD
nco:imAccountType - Type of the IM account. This may be the name of the service that provides the IM...
nco:imID - Identifier of the IM account. Examples of such identifier might include ICQ UINs...
nco:imNickname - A nickname attached to a particular IM Account.
nco:imStatus - Current status of the given IM account. When this property is set, the nco:imSta...
nco:imStatusMessage - A feature common in most IM systems. A message left by the user for all his/her ...
nco:imStatusType - Current status type of the given IM account. When this property is set, the nco:...
nexif:imageConfig - An attribute relating to Image Configuration
nexif:imageDataCharacter - An attribute relating to image data characteristics
nexif:imageDataStruct - An attribute relating to image data structure
nexif:imageDescription - tagNumber: 270 A character string giving the title of the image. It may be a com...
nexif:imageLength - tagNumber: 257 Image height. The number of rows of image data. In JPEG compresse...
nexif:imageUniqueID - An identifier assigned uniquely to each image. It is recorded as an ASCII string...
nexif:imageWidth - tagNumber: 256 Image width. The number of columns of image data, equal to the nu...
tmo:importance -
nrl:imports - Models a subsumption relationship between two graphs, stating that the object gr...
nmo:inReplyTo - Signifies that a message is a reply to another message. This feature is commonly...
tmo:indexPosition -
nie:informationElementDate - A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of an Inform...
nuao:initiatingAgent - Relates an event to the agent initiating the event.
nfo:interlaceMode - True if the image is interlaced, false if not.
nmm:internationalStandardRecordingCode - ISRC ID. Format: 'CC-XXX-YY-NNNNN'
nexif:interopInfo - An attribute relating to Interoperability. Tags stored in Interoperability IFD m...
nexif:interoperabilityIFDPointer - A pointer to the Interoperability IFD, which is composed of tags storing the inf...
nexif:interoperabilityIndex - Indicates the identification of the Interoperability rule. 'R98' = conforming to...
nexif:interoperabilityVersion - tagNumber: 2 Interoperability Version
nie:interpretedAs - Links the DataObject with the InformationElement it is interpreted as.
ncal:interval - The INTERVAL rule part contains a positive integer representing how often the re...
nrl:inverseProperty - Links two properties and specifies their inverse behaviour
ncal:involvedContact - A contact of the Attendee or the organizer involved in an event or other calenda...
tmo:involvedPerson -
tmo:involvedPersonRole -
tmo:involvedPersonTask -
tmo:involvedPersons -
nuao:involves - Relates an event to the resources that are involved in the event.
nco:isAccessedBy - Indicates the local IMAccount by which this IMAccount is accessed. This does not...
nco:isBlocked - Indicates that this IMAccount has been blocked.
nao:isDataGraphFor - Links a named graph to the resource for which it contains metadata. Its typical ...
pimo:isDefinedBy - Each element in a PIMO must be connected to the PIMO, to be able to track multip...
pimo:isLocationOf - The subject location is the current location of the object.
nie:isLogicalPartOf - Generic property used to express 'logical' containment relationships between Dat...
pimo:isOrganizationMemberOf - The subject person or organozation (Agent) is member of the object organization.
nie:isPartOf - Generic property used to express containment relationships between DataObjects. ...
nfo:isPasswordProtected - States if a given resource is password-protected.
nmo:isRead - A flag that states the fact that a MailboxDataObject has been read.
pimo:isRelated - The thing is related to the other thing. Similar in meaning to skos:related. Sym...
nao:isRelated - Defines an annotation for a resource in the form of a relationship between the s...
nie:isStoredAs - Links the information element with the DataObject it is stored in.
nao:isTagFor - States which resources a tag is associated with
pimo:isTagFor - This thing is described further in the object thing. Similar semantics as skos:...
nao:isTopicOf - Defines a relationship between two resources, where the subject is a topic of th...
pimo:isWriteable - Defines if this information model can be modified by the user of the system. Thi...
nexif:isoSpeedRatings - Indicates the ISO Speed and ISO Latitude of the camera or input device as specif...


pimo:jabberId - Jabber-ID of the user. Used to communicate amongst peers in the social scenario ...
ncal:journalStatus - Defines the overall status or confirmation for a journal entry. Based on the STA...
nexif:jpegInterchangeFormat - tagNumber: 513 The offset to the start byte (SOI) of JPEG compressed thumbnail d...
nexif:jpegInterchangeFormatLength - The number of bytes of JPEG compressed thumbnail data. This is not used for prim...


nco:key - An encryption key attached to a contact. Inspired by the KEY property defined in...
nie:keyword - Adapted DublinCore: The topic of the content of the resource, as keyword. No sen...


nie:language - Language the InformationElement is expressed in. This property applies to the da...
nuao:lastEvent - The start time of the last event
nuao:lastModification - The start time of the last modification
nie:lastModified - Last modification date of the DataObject. Note that this date refers to the modi...
ncal:lastModified - The property specifies the date and time that the information associated with th...
nao:lastModified - States the last modification time for a resource
nie:lastRefreshed - Date when information about this data object was retrieved (for the first time) ...
tmo:lastReviewDate -
nuao:lastUsage - The start time of the last usage
nie:legal - A common superproperty for all properties that point at legal information about ...
nexif:length - Length of an object. Could be a subProperty of other general schema.
nfo:lfeChannels - Number of Low Frequency Expansion (subwoofer) channels.
nie:license - Terms and intellectual property rights licensing conditions.
nie:licenseType - The type of the license. Possible values for this field may include "GPL", "BSD"...
nexif:lightSource - tagNumber: 37384 Light source such as Daylight, Tungsten, Flash etc.
nfo:lineCount - The amount of lines in a text document
nie:links - A linking relation. A piece of content links/mentions a piece of data
nco:locality - Locality or City. Inspired by the fourth part of the value of the 'ADR' property...
pimo:locatedWithin - The subject location is contained within the object location. For example, a roo...
ncal:location - Defines the intended venue for the activity defined by a calendar component. Ins...
ncal:locationAltRep - Alternate representation of the event or todo location. Introduced to cover the...
tmo:logEntry -
nco:logo - Logo of a company. Inspired by the LOGO property defined in RFC 2426 sec. 3.5.3
nmm:lyricist - Lyricist


nao:maintainedBy - The agent that maintains this resource, ie. created it and knows what to do with...
nexif:make - Manufacturer of image input equipment tagNumber: 271
nexif:makerNote - Manufacturer notes tagNumber: 37500
nexif:maxApertureValue - tagNumber: 37381 The smallest F number of the lens. The unit is the APEX value. ...
nrl:maxCardinality - Specifies a maximum value cardinality for a specific property
ncal:member - To specify the group or list membership of the calendar user specified by the pr...
nmo:messageFrom - The sender of the message
nmo:messageHeader - Links the message wiith an arbitrary message header.
nmo:messageId - An identifier of a message. This property has been inspired by the message-id pr...
nmo:messageRecipient - A common superproperty for all properties that link a message with its recipient...
nmo:messageReplyTo - An address where the reply should be sent.
nmo:messageSender - The person or agent submitting the message to the network, if other from the one...
nmo:messageSubject - The subject of a message
nexif:meter - A length with unit of meter
nexif:meteringMode - Metering mode, such as CenterWeightedAverage, Spot, MultiSpot,Pattern, Partial e...
ncal:method - This property defines the iCalendar object method associated with the calendar o...
nie:mimeType - The mime type of the resource, if available. Example: "text/plain". See http://w...
nrl:minCardinality - Specifies a minimum value cardinality for a specific property
nexif:mm - A length with unit of mm
nexif:model - tagNumber: 272 Model of image input equipment
nuao:modificationCount - The total number of modifications
nie:modified - Date the DataObject was changed in any way. Note that this date refers to the m...
nao:modified - States the modification time for a resource
nmm:musicAlbum - Album the music belongs to
nmm:musicBrainzAlbumID - MusicBrainz album ID
nmm:musicBrainzTrackID - MusicBrainz track ID
nmm:musicCDIdentifier - Music CD identifier to for databases like This property is intended ...


nco:nameAdditional - Additional given name of an object represented by this contact. See documentatio...
nco:nameFamily - The family name of an Object represented by this Contact. These applies to peopl...
nco:nameGiven - The given name for the object represented by this Contact. See documentation for...
nco:nameHonorificPrefix - A prefix for the name of the object represented by this Contact. See documentati...
nco:nameHonorificSuffix - A suffix for the name of the Object represented by the given object. See documen...
ncal:ncalRelation - A common superproperty for all types of ncal relations. It is not to be used dir...
ncal:ncalTimezone - The timezone instance that should be used to interpret an NcalDateTime. The purp...
tmo:nextReviewIntervall -
nco:nickname - A nickname of the Object represented by this Contact. This is an equivalent of t...
nco:note - A note about the object represented by this Contact. An equivalent for the 'NOTE...
nao:numericRating - Annotation for a resource in the form of a numeric rating (float value), allowe...


pimo:objectProperty - The object of statements is another Thing. Users should be able to edit statemen...
nfo:occupiedSpace - Occupied storage space of the filesystem.
pimo:occurrence - The subject Thing is represented also in the object resource. All facts added to...
nexif:oecf - tagNumber: 34856 Indicates the Opto-Electric Conversion Function (OECF) specifie...
nco:org - Name of an organization or a unit within an organization the object represented ...
pimo:organization - relation to the organization in an OrganizationMember association.
ncal:organizer - The property defines the organizer for a calendar component. Inspired by RFC 244...
nexif:orientation - The image orientation viewed in terms of rows and columns. As defined in the EXI...
nfo:originalLocation - The original location of the deleted resource.


nfo:pageCount - Number of pages.
nfo:pageNumber - Page linked by the bookmark.
nfo:paletteSize - The number of colors defined in palette of the raster image.
pimo:partOf - This is part of the object. Like a page is part of a book or an engine is part o...
ncal:partstat - To specify the participation status for the calendar user specified by the prope...
ncal:percentComplete - This property is used by an assignee or delegatee of a to-do to convey the perce...
nmm:performer - Performer
ncal:periodBegin - Beginng of a period. Inspired by the first part of a structured value of the PER...
ncal:periodDuration - Duration of a period of time. Inspired by the second part of a structured value ...
ncal:periodEnd - End of a period of time. Inspired by the second part of a structured value of a ...
nfo:permissions - A string containing the permissions of a file. A feature common in many UNIX-lik...
nao:personalIdentifier - Defines a personal string identifier for a resource
nco:phoneNumber -
nco:photo - Photograph attached to a Contact. The DataObject referred to by this property is...
nexif:photometricInterpretation - Pixel composition. In JPEG compressed data a JPEG marker is used instead of this...
nexif:pictTaking - An attribute relating to Picture-Taking Conditions
nexif:pimBrightness - Brightness info for print image matching tagNumber: 10
nexif:pimColorBalance - tagNumber: 11 ColorBalance info for print image matching
nexif:pimContrast - tagNumber: 9 Contrast info for print image matching
nexif:pimInfo - An attribute relating to print image matching
nexif:pimSaturation - tagNumber: 12 Saturation info for print image matching
nexif:pimSharpness - Sharpness info for print image matching tagNumber: 13
nexif:pixelXDimension - Information specific to compressed data. When a compressed file is recorded, the...
nexif:pixelYDimension - Information specific to compressed data. When a compressed file is recorded, the...
nie:plainTextContent - Plain-text representation of the content of a InformationElement with all markup...
nmo:plainTextMessageContent - Plain text representation of the body of the message. For multipart messages, al...
nexif:planarConfiguration - Indicates whether pixel components are recorded in chunky or planar format. In J...
nao:pluralPrefLabel - The plural form of the preferred label for a resource
nco:pobox - Post office box. This is the first part of the value of the 'ADR' property as de...
nco:postalcode - Postal Code. Inspired by the sixth part of the value of the 'ADR' property as de...
nao:prefLabel - A preferred label for a resource
nao:prefSymbol - A unique preferred symbol representation for a resource
nexif:primaryChromaticities - The chromaticity of the three primary colors of the image. Normally this tag is ...
nmo:primaryMessageRecipient - The primary intended recipient of a message.
nmo:primaryRecipient (deprecated) - deprecated in favor of primaryMessageRecipient
nexif:printImageMatchingIFDPointer - tagNumber: 50341 A pointer to the print image matching IFD
ncal:priority - The property defines the relative priority for a calendar component. Inspired by...
tmo:priority -
ncal:prodid - This property specifies the identifier for the product that created the iCalenda...
nmm:producer - Producer
nfo:programmingLanguage - Indicates the name of the programming language this source code file is written ...
tmo:progress -
nco:publisher - An entity responsible for making the InformationElement available.
nco:publishesPresenceTo - Indicates that this IMAccount publishes its presence information to the other IM...


ncal:range - To specify the effective range of recurrence instances from the instance specifi...
nfo:rate - A common superproperty for all properties specifying the media rate. Examples of...
nao:rating - Annotation for a resource in the form of an unrestricted rating
ncal:rdate - This property defines the list of date/times for a recurrence set. Inspired by R...
nrl:realizes - Points to a representation of the declarative semantics that the view specificat...
nfo:rearChannels - Number of rear channels.
nexif:recOffset - An attribute relating to recording offset
tmo:receiveDateTime -
nmo:receivedDate - Date when this message was received.
nmo:recipient (deprecated) - deprecated in favor of nmo:messageRecipient
ncal:recurrenceId - This property is used in conjunction with the "UID" and "SEQUENCE" property to i...
ncal:recurrenceIdDateTime - The date and time of a recurrence identifier. Provided to express the actual val...
nexif:referenceBlackWhite - tagNumber: 532 The reference black point value and reference white point value. ...
nmo:references - Signifies that a message references another message. This property is a generic ...
pimo:referencingOccurrence - The subject thing is described in the object document. Ideally, the document is ...
ndo:referrer - Points to the Information Element that contained the link to the download source...
nco:region - Region. Inspired by the fifth part of the value of the 'ADR' property as defined...
ncal:related - To specify the relationship of the alarm trigger with respect to the start or en...
nexif:relatedFile - Tag Relating to Related File Information
nexif:relatedImageFileFormat - Related image file format tagNumber: 4096
nexif:relatedImageLength - Related image length tagNumber: 4098
nexif:relatedImageWidth - tagNumber: 4097 Related image width
nexif:relatedSoundFile - Related audio file tagNumber: 40964
nie:relatedTo - A common superproperty for all relations between a piece of content and other pi...
ncal:relatedToChild - The property is used to represent a relationship or reference between one calend...
ncal:relatedToParent - The property is used to represent a relationship or reference between one calend...
ncal:relatedToSibling - The property is used to represent a relationship or reference between one calend...
nmm:releaseDate - The date the media was released.
ncal:repeat - This property defines the number of time the alarm should be repeated, after the...
nmo:replyTo (deprecated) - deprecated in favor of nmo:messageReplyTo
nco:representative - An object that represent an object represented by this Contact. Usually this pro...
ncal:requestStatus - This property defines the status code returned for a scheduling request. Inspire...
ncal:requestStatusData - Additional data associated with a request status. Inspired by the third part of ...
nco:requestedPresenceSubscriptionTo - Indicates that this IMAccount has requested a subscription to the presence infor...
nexif:resolution - a rational number representing a resolution. Could be a subProperty of other gen...
nexif:resolutionUnit - tagNumber: 296 The unit for measuring XResolution and YResolution. The same unit...
ncal:resources - Defines the equipment or resources anticipated for an activity specified by a ca...
ncal:resourcesAltRep - Alternate representation of the resources needed for an event or todo. Introduce...
ncal:returnStatus - Short return status. Inspired by the first element of the structured value of th...
ncal:role - To specify the participation role for the calendar user specified by the propert...
nco:role - Role an object represented by this contact represents in the organization. This ...
pimo:roleContext - The context where the role-holder impersonates this role. For example, the compa...
pimo:roleHolder - the person taking the role
nie:rootElementOf - DataObjects extracted from a single data source are organized into a containment...
nexif:rowsPerStrip - tagNumber: 278 The number of rows per strip. This is the number of rows in the i...
ncal:rrule - This property defines a rule or repeating pattern for recurring events, to-dos, ...
ncal:rsvp - To specify whether there is an expectation of a favor of a reply from the calend...
nrl:rule - Specifies rules for a view specification that is driven by rules
nrl:ruleLanguage - Specifies the rule language for a view specification that is driven by rules


nfo:sampleCount - The amount of samples in an audio clip.
nfo:sampleRate - The amount of audio samples per second.
nexif:samplesPerPixel - The number of components per pixel. Since this standard applies to RGB and YCbCr...
nexif:saturation - The direction of saturation processing applied by the camera when the image was ...
nexif:sceneCaptureType - tagNumber: 41990 The type of scene that was shot. It can also be used to record ...
nexif:sceneType - tagNumber: 41729 The type of scene. If a DSC recorded the image, this tag value ...
nao:score - An authoritative score for an item valued between 0 and 1
nao:scoreParameter - A marker property to mark selected properties which are input to a mathematical ...
nmm:season -
nmo:secondaryMessageRecipient - A superproperty for all "additional" recipients of a message.
nmo:secondaryRecipient (deprecated) - deprecated in favor of nmo:secondaryMessageRecipient
nexif:seconds - a mesurement of time length with unit of second
nrl:semanticsDefinedBy - Points to the human readable specifications for a representation of some declara...
tmo:sendDateTime -
nmo:sender (deprecated) - deprecated in favor of nmo:messageSender
nexif:sensingMethod - tagNumber: 41495 The image sensor type on the camera or input device, such as On...
ncal:sentBy - To specify the calendar user that is acting on behalf of the calendar user speci...
nmo:sentDate - Date when this message was sent.
ncal:sequence - This property defines the revision sequence number of the calendar component wit...
nao:serializationLanguage - States the serialization language for a named graph that is represented within a...
nmm:series - series
nmm:setNumber - The part of a set the audio came from.
nmm:setSize - The number of parts in the set.
nso:sharedWithContact - The subject resource is shared with the object contact. The resource and its su...
nso:sharedWithGroup - The subject resource is shared with all contacts belonging to the object contact...
nexif:sharpness - tagNumber: 41994 The direction of sharpness processing applied by the camera whe...
nexif:shutterSpeedValue - tagNumber: 37377 Shutter speed. The unit is the APEX (Additive System of Photogr...
nfo:sideChannels - Number of side channels
nexif:software - tagNumber: 305 The name and version of the software or firmware of the camera or...
nco:sound - Sound clip attached to a Contact. The DataObject referred to by this property is...
nexif:spatialFrequencyResponse - This tag records the camera or input device spatial frequency table and SFR valu...
nexif:spectralSensitivity - Indicates the spectral sensitivity of each channel of the camera used. The tag v...
ncal:standard - Links the timezone with the standard timezone observance. This property has no d...
nuao:start - The time of the start of the event
nco:start - Start datetime for the role, such as: the datetime of joining a project or organ...
tmo:startTime -
tmo:stateTypeRole -
nao:status - Specifies the status of a graph, stable, unstable or testing
ncal:statusDescription - Longer return status description. Inspired by the second part of the structured ...
nfo:streamPosition - Stream position of the bookmark, suitable for e.g. audio books. Expressed in mil...
nco:streetAddress - The streed address. Inspired by the third part of the value of the 'ADR' propert...
nexif:stripByteCounts - tagNumber: 279 The total number of bytes in each strip. With JPEG compressed dat...
nexif:stripOffsets - For each strip, the byte offset of that strip. With JPEG compressed data this de...
nrl:subGraphOf - Specifies a containment relationship between two graphs, meaning that the subjec...
nexif:subSecTime - tagNumber: 37520 DateTime subseconds
nexif:subSecTimeDigitized - tagNumber: 37522 DateTimeDigitized subseconds
nexif:subSecTimeOriginal - tagNumber: 37521 DateTimeOriginal subseconds
tmo:subTask -
tmo:subTaskOrdering - Ordering of the subtasks listed in the tmo:subTasks property of this Task. This ...
pimo:subTopic - The object topic is more specific in meaning than the subject topic. Transitive....
nie:subject - An overall topic of the content of a InformationElement
nexif:subjectArea - tagNumber: 37396 The location and area of the main subject in the overall scene.
nexif:subjectDistance - tagNumber: 37382 The distance to the subject, given in meters. Note that if the ...
nexif:subjectDistanceRange - The distance to the subject, such as Macro, Close View or Distant View. tagNumbe...
nexif:subjectLocation - The location of the main subject in the scene. The value of this tag represents ...
nexif:subsecond -
nexif:subseconds - A tag used to record fractions of seconds for a date property
ncal:summary - Defines a short summary or subject for the calendar component. Inspired by RFC 2...
ncal:summaryAltRep - Alternate representation of the comment. Introduced to cover the ALTREP paramet...
nrl:superGraphOf - Specifies a subsumption relationship between two graphs, meaning that the object...
tmo:superTask -
pimo:superTopic - The object topic is more general in meaning than the subject topic. Transitive. ...
nfo:supercedes - States that a piece of software supercedes another piece of software.
nmm:synopsis - Long form description of video content (plot, premise, etc.)


pimo:tagLabel - The unique label of the tag. The label must be unique within the scope of one Pe...
nexif:tagNumber - The Exif tag number (for this schema definition)
nexif:tagid - The Exif tag number with context prefix, such as IFD type or maker name (for thi...
tmo:targetCompletion -
tmo:targetEndTime -
tmo:targetStartTime -
tmo:targetTime -
nuao:targettedResource - Relates an event to the resource that was targetted in the event.
tmo:taskDescription - The task description helps users to understand the goal and the proceeding of a ...
pimo:taskDueTime - when is this task due? Represented in ISO 8601, example: 2003-11-22T17:00:00
tmo:taskGoal -
tmo:taskId - The Task Identifier allows a unique identification of a task object within the r...
tmo:taskName - The Task Name helps the user to identify a task in a list. It should be expressi...
tmo:taskPrivacyState - For the separation between professional and private purpose of a task, this attr...
tmo:taskReference -
tmo:taskSource - here can be stated from which sources a task was derived. e.g from another task ...
tmo:taskState - The task state describes the current state of the task as described in Section 5...
tmo:taskStateChangesFrom -
tmo:taskStateChangesTo -
tmo:taskTransmission -
tmo:timemanagement -
nie:title - Name given to an InformationElement
nco:title - The official title the object represented by this contact in an organization. E...
nmo:to (deprecated) - deprecated in favor of nmo:emailTo
ncal:todoStatus - Defines the overall status or confirmation for a todo. Based on the STATUS prope...
nuao:totalEventDuration - The total duration of all events
nuao:totalFocusDuration - The total amount of time a resource was in focus during a UsageEvent. This prope...
nuao:totalModificationDuration - The total duration of all modifications
nfo:totalSpace - Total storage space of the filesystem, which can be different from nie:contentSi...
nuao:totalUsageDuration - The total duration of all usages
nmm:trackGain - ReplayGain track gain
nmm:trackNumber - Track number of the music in its album
nmm:trackPeakGain - ReplayGain track peak gain
nexif:transferFunction - tagNumber: 301 A transfer function for the image, described in tabular style. No...
tmo:transmissionFrom -
tmo:transmissionState -
tmo:transmissionStateChangesFrom -
tmo:transmissionStateChangesTo -
tmo:transmissionTask -
tmo:transmissionTo -
tmo:transmissionType -
ncal:transp - Defines whether an event is transparent or not to busy time searches. Inspired ...
ncal:trigger - This property specifies when an alarm will trigger. Inspired by RFC 2445 sec. 4....
ncal:triggerDateTime - The exact date and time of the trigger. This property has been created to expres...
ncal:triggerDuration - The duration of a trigger. This property has been created to express the VALUE=D...
ncal:tzid - This property specifies the text value that uniquely identifies the "VTIMEZONE" ...
ncal:tzname - Specifies the customary designation for a timezone description. Inspired by RFC ...
ncal:tzoffsetfrom - This property specifies the offset which is in use prior to this time zone obser...
ncal:tzoffsetto - This property specifies the offset which is in use in this time zone observance....
ncal:tzurl - The TZURL provides a means for a VTIMEZONE component to point to a network locat...


ncal:uid - This property defines the persistent, globally unique identifier for the calenda...
nfo:uncompressedSize - Uncompressed size of the content of a compressed file.
nexif:unknown - An Exif tag whose meaning is not known
ncal:until - The UNTIL rule part defines a date-time value which bounds the recurrence rule i...
nrl:updatable - A core graph metadata property, this defines whether a graph can be freely updat...
tmo:urgency -
nie:url - URL of a DataObject. It points to the location of the object. A typial usage is ...
ncal:url - This property defines a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) associated with the iCale...
nco:url - A uniform resource locator associated with the given role of a Contact. Inspired...
nuao:usageCount - The total number of usages
nexif:userComment - tagNumber: 37510 A tag for Exif users to write keywords or comments on the image...
nexif:userInfo - An attribute relating to User Information
nao:userVisible - Mark a property, class, or even resource as user visible or not. Non-user-visibl...
nfo:uuid - Universally unique identifier of the filesystem. In the future, this property ma...


nao:version - Specifies the version of a graph, in numeric format
nie:version - The current version of the given data object. Exact semantics is unspecified at ...
ncal:version - This property specifies the identifier corresponding to the highest version numb...
nexif:versionInfo - An attribute relating to Version
nfo:verticalResolution - Vertical resolution of an Image (if printed). Expressed in DPI
nrl:viewOn - Points to a graph view over the subject named graph
nco:voiceMail - Indicates if the given number accepts voice mail. (e.g. there is an answering ma...


nco:websiteUrl - A url of a website.
nexif:whiteBalance - tagNumber: 41987 The white balance mode set when the image was shot.
nexif:whitePoint - The chromaticity of the white point of the image. Normally this tag is not neces...
nexif:width - Width of an object
nfo:width - Visual content width in pixels.
pimo:wikiText - A wiki-like free-text description of a Thing or a Class. The text can be formatt...
ncal:wkst - The day that's counted as the start of the week. It is used to disambiguate the ...
nfo:wordCount - The amount of words in a text document.
nmm:writer - Writer


nexif:xResolution - The number of pixels per ResolutionUnit in the ImageWidth direction. When the im...


nexif:yCbCrCoefficients - tagNumber: 529 The matrix coefficients for transformation from RGB to YCbCr imag...
nexif:yCbCrPositioning - The position of chrominance components in relation to the luminance component. T...
nexif:yCbCrSubSampling - The sampling ratio of chrominance components in relation to the luminance compon...
nexif:yResolution - tagNumber: 283 The number of pixels per ResolutionUnit in the ImageLength direct...